Friday, December 19, 2008

sign up!

So, you are probably wondering what this "bender" is all about.... 

We are challenging you to do yoga for 30 consecutive days, from Jan. 1 - 30.  There is no catch, we just want you to experience what its like to do yoga every day.  Its amazing how quickly your body starts to open up, how much strength you can build and how much clearer things become on a daily basis.  Sounds crazy, I know... how can a bunch of stretching can really change your life????!!!  well, i am here to tell you - it can!

So, sign up already!  If you can't come to the studio every day, no big deal.  I will be posting tips for your "at home" practice on this blog.  And, if you are trying to figure out how you can possibly afford coming to class so often, don't worry!  We have a special package available for folks on the bender.  Unlimited yoga from Jan. 1 - 30 for $90.  The pass expires on Jan, 30th, but you can come as many times as you want during the bender.  

Want one more reason to go on a bender?  Ok, i will give you one...  after all is said and done, we are throwing a party for our "bendees."  Everyone who completes the bender will be invited to a party to celebrate on the 30th.  Our friends at Lululemon have graciously agreed to let us party in their showroom that night.  We will be toasting to 2009 in the best shape of our lives :)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask on this blog, other people may have the same questions... or email me at  We already have about 20 people signed up and registration has only been open for a few short hours!  This is going to be great....



  1. Brigette,

    Thanks for doing this. I am really looking forward to restarting my yoga practice after a hiatus of a couple of years.

  2. Happy New Year everyone! Thanks, Bridgette. Mom in Hermann, MO, big-sis Chris in Orange County, CA and lil-sis Karen in Charleston, SC...I love you guys and I hope your "yoga" creates momentum for an amazing year!

  3. Many thanks to everyone who started the new year off with me yesterday. Your energy and excitement was awesome. Words cannot express how happy I am to be back and surrounded by such wonderful people! Happy Bending!
