Monday, February 2, 2009

congratulations, bendees!

Well, the bender has come to an end... however, for many of you the journey has just begun!  

I can't even begin to express my gratitude and the overwhelming sense of joy this bender has brought to the studio and to my life, personally.  What a great way to kick off 09'?!  The level of dedication, excitement and energy put forth by our bendees has greatly surpassed anything I had ever imagined.  I figured we may have close to 20 people sign up, if we were lucky and turns out over 60 signed up! Think about that... over 60 people in St. Louis committed to doing a daily yoga practice for 30 days straight!  The people make the community and the community makes our studio what it is today.  I am happy to stand behind what we have built at STY.  I have full faith that it will continue to grow like crazy.  The potential is amazing around here :)

I've heard so many stories along the way... handstand accomplishments, doing headstand in the middle of the room for the first time, seeing muscles in your arms that you never knew were under there, going into full wheel from wild thing, even moving your feet/toes in ways you hadn't in years!  The list goes on and on.  In addition to the strength, agility and flexibility gained within your asana practice, there was a sheer sense of happiness around the studio.  People started to smile more often.  Friendships were deepened.  Eye contact was easier.  Not only did your bodies change, your hearts became more open.  You built the capacity to see yourself and others in an honest manner.  That's the thing about yoga... you may come to the mat to simply tone your body, but you step off your mat a little sweeter, a little stronger and a lot more settled in your own skin. 

I want to personally congratulate each and every one of you who participated in this bender.  It may seem crazy to others, but now you can honestly see how a consistent yoga practice effects your daily life.  As the folks at my favorite yoga studio (On Time) in Boulder say, "Changing the world, one downward dog at a time!"

So here's to living each day with a committed, inspired, passionate and celebratory outlook.  Thank you all for your hard work and smiles along the way.  Honoring each and every one of you, Namaste!


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