Friday, January 30, 2009

Finishing the Bender!

Well, since the snow hit on Sunday, I have been hibernating and not driving. I did go to 'sub' for a class at YogaSource, but I caught a ride, since my little Miata is not exactly "roadworthy" in bad weather. I really prefer not to drive when it snows unless I have to, because the street I live on is never cleaned. However, that did not stop me from doing a home practice!

Each day since the snow I have either done John Friend's "Growing a Lotus" practice on DVD, or done a series I've worked up on my own while listening to Erykah Badu. For an hour-and-a-half, I've gone through 2 min. of Handstand and pushing up 10 times into Urdhva Dhanurasana, as Brigette stated that Shiana Sherman of the YogaKula in Berkeley suggested she do to cover all the bases of strength and flexibility. One-legged Pigeon, of course, and, as always, Headstand and Pincha Mayurasana are integral components of my daily practice. I've been working on Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana,as well, which I did for the first time in my life in Brigette's class 3 weeks ago! I remember beginning to hyperventilate when I first got into the posture, and Brigette just calmly said: "Breathe!" Such a simple suggestion, but one that most people don't think of when someone is beginning to have a panic attack. I have been practicing yoga since 1994, but have shyed away from most backbends, because of the intense anxiety they bring up for me.

One of the wonderful things about this Bender has been the way it has opened up my fear of doing deeper backbends. I don't like to open through the lower back AT ALL! I can do Upward Bow fine, but I've always gravitated toward the poses that require upper body and abdominal strength, such as inversions of all sorts... I've spent a decade of yoga practice avoiding backbends like the plague, and I teach Yoga. Hm.

I'd say, based on that little personal revelation alone, this Bender has been very, very good for me. Of course, my personal desire to get into Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I've been working on methodically for some time, but not with the intensity that the Bender has inspired. This Bender really lit a fire under my butt, so to speak. Thanks Brigette! What an awesome idea!

Now I just finally returned an e-mail from Sherry Summers about teaching at Shalom House, a shelter for women, and my friend Wendy and I just took a trip around the corner on lunch to find where the center is located. I feel as if, with teaching, I am about one step ahead of my students, but at least I am not at risk for being arrogant. It keeps me humble. That and the backbends. They keep me humble too. And the snow keeps me humble. I'll be trudging through the leftover snow today to meet up with all the Bender attendees later, and celebrate our successes! Thanks again, Brigette, for this wonderful opportunity to be inspired by everyone at Southtown Yoga. What a lovely studio.

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