Thursday, January 14, 2010

snow down

Its funny... when we get a few inches of snow in St. Louis, everything slows down. Its mother nature's way of telling us to back off, stay home, sit still and take in the beauty. Take last week for example, everything literally froze and everyone slowed down. Its a good thing. We all try and and pack in so much. We live very busy lives, in America. When something (like weather) is beyond our control, we actually accept a slower pace. We plan more time to get where we need to go, in case the roads are bad. We drive more cautiously. We walk a little slower, not knowing what type of traction is beneath our feet. Its a great way to live life... aware.

Over the past couple days, the temp has risen and everything is melting fast. Likewise, every one's lives have sped back up. Cars are racing down Kingshighway, once again. People are out and about, buzzing from appointment to appointment. What if we treated every day like a snow day? What if we started to slow down on purpose? What would life be like?

Nature is a beautiful thing. Sometimes, everything makes perfect sense, like a snow day. Other days, we can't seem to grip why or how something so tragic could possibly occur, like the earthquakes in Haiti. There are not always going to be answers for everything in life, but there will always be questions. I do know one thing, we can never predict what the next day will bring. Its out of our control. So just live... one day at a time, with your eyes wide open. And, for the love of god, SLOW DOWN!

Happy Bending,

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