Sunday, January 10, 2010

this blog is for you

monday is already day 11 of the bender. by now, you are likely experiencing the effects of doing yoga every day. this blog serves as a forum. a place for you to share your insights, your experiences and your stories. every person registered for the bender is also an "author" of this blog. so far, the postings have been mostly inspiration or tools provided by me to kick start your bender experience (with a few comments here and there from bendees).

its time we hear from YOU. create a blog entry. share your experience. say what you have to say. people want to hear what you have to say. it gives people something to relate to during the bender.

ready... GO!

happy bending,

1 comment:

  1. The bender has been amazing! I had already been doing yoga 3-4 times/week, but doing at least an hour every day is a big change - I feel stronger and more stable already.

    The community at STY has become more apparent to me - I have met other bendees and we share a sense of camaraderie. I love seeing the same yogis in class every day.

    Oddly, I have some yoga-induced bruises. I think perhaps crow pose causes bruises on the back of my arms?
