Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Yoga Inc.

I pulled this video from yogadork.com. It's very interesting, given the last post about defining yoga... plus, there is some great info on the history of yoga. I hesitated to post this at first, because some of it is presented from a bias point of view. However, I think there is so much valuable content within this piece. Take in the history and the information presented. To watch, click the link below. Its about 1 hour long.

Yoga, Inc. Video

Description (from yogadork.com):

Yoga has transformed from an ancient spiritual practice into a competitive, commercialized, multi-million dollar industry. And for a practice rooted in renunciation, yoga sure is making some people very rich. Can yoga survive this war between the sacred and the profane with its good karma intact?

In today’s yoga world only the marketplace has real meaning, where everything is up for grabs, from yoga shoes to chakra panties. The new mantras are Standardize and Supersize. In the race to cash in yoga chains are popping up everywhere, putting the smaller studios out of business. No wonder purists are scratching their heads. Is nothing sacred? Greed, lust, ego and the search for enlightenment all come together in this original, irreverent portrait of spiritualism and capitalism colliding head on.


  1. This is an area i feel very strongly about. I got a magazine in the mail yesterday. If I didn't know otherwise, I would have thought that I could buy clarity, peace, and well being by buying their products. In my opinion, who we are is not defined by how much money we spend on our mats, etc. This sort of thing only increases the, already very large, opinion that yoga is an elitist club. I want to be an example that yoga does not have to be that. Yoga is a way of life to me in which you can love yourself for who you are, right now. You don't need to have more or be anything more. It's about love, acceptance, inner beauty....... NOT about the tags or the names. I understnad that some people find themselves in the labels. In my experience, that is fleeting. I want something richer, more real, more organic. I don't want to judge others for following that line of thinking. We are all uniquely wonderful! I do however want to encourage people questionning what is yoga to look inward whether than outward.
    love love love - and smile :)
