Monday, January 19, 2009

Commit or else

Commitment seems like such a scary word. I used to tease my fiancee before we got married that "forever is a long time." And it is. No two ways about it. Commitment COULD be viewed as something designed to trap you until the end of time, or you can choose to look at commitment as comfort.

There is comfort in relying on something or someone. There is comfort in knowing you can depend on them/it to be there. This is the way I choose to look at the bender. I am as committed to it, as it is to me. We are there for each other to lean on, to depend on.

I view commitment as a two-sided thing. Sure an inanimate object can't commit itself to you, but it can give you things. Yoga gives you as much as you give it. It responds to you in the like and kind you speak to it. Some days it's gentle. Other days it wants to make you work. Some day it wants to take it farther and deeper than you every thought possible.

That's the beauty of a commitment. Because once you are willing to open yourself up to it, you are free to discover the depth the relationship can go. And to be honest, some days the commitment is a little more than superficial (A headstand counts as yoga, right?). But other days, I just know that my relationship with my yoga has grown.

I think people fear commitment because they think it means 110% every second of everyday. I like to think of it as making a decision to stick with something to the best of your ability and not denying yourself the beauty of the relationship. Grow. Learn. Hell, fail! But don't let the relationship you have developed over the last 19 days with your yoga die.

Happy Over Halfway!


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