Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Passion... even the word itself has fire to it.  Passion is our theme this week.  There is a lot to say about passion and what it means in your life.  Take a moment and ask yourself, "what are you passionate about?"  

In yoga, we often find passion within our asana practice.  There are certain "ah ha" moments that happen while practicing and we start ignite that feeling of passion within those experiences.  To me, passion comes into play when you find something you love, without obligation.  It develops free of choice, by free will.  No one ever tells you what to be passionate about.  It stems from love, desire and attraction.  It can be toward a person, idea or even an activity.  For example, I am deeply passionate about yoga (shocker, I know).  I love how it makes me feel, both mentally and physically.  I love teaching yoga, mostly because I want every single person possible to have the same wonderful experience in their life as I've had and will continue to have.  My deep passion for yoga drives me to learn more, teach more, grow more.  No one is on my back telling me to do any of this.  I do it because I love it.

Take this idea to your practice.  When you step on the mat, think about what you are passionate about.  What makes you tick?  Use every ounce of effort to bring your passions closer to your heart.  The power of positive thinking is a very powerful tool.  Think about your passions.  Dream about your passions.  Most importantly, live your passions.  

My teacher, Mitchel, said to me one day.... "when you look back at your life as a story, do you actually want to read it?  Do you like your story?  If you don't, take every opportunity possible to make your life a story you want to read.  

Live passionately.  If your passions are currently on the back burner, figure out a way to bring them forward.  Figure out a way to live through what you are passionate about.  Don't waste time living an OK life, when you could be experiencing something grand. 

A life full of passion, now that's grand!

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