Thursday, January 8, 2009

Daily Inspiration

What inspires me? I must say that I am inspired by so many things on a daily basis...from family to people that happen to cross my path.
People in general amaze me. We all have the same 24hrs in a day and accomplish very different things! So when I am inspired with how much someone has accomplished, I look internally and think that I too have the same amount of time to be just as productive! So I have vowed to make the most of every day and on a daily basis find something/someone that inspires me and renew this positive energy.
I was introduced to yoga by my lovely sister-in-law Jenifer in 2006 when I moved to St. Louis and lived with them. I must say that with her and my brother's daily inspiration, I became a much healthier person. Since then, I have strayed a little and stopped finding this daily inspiration within myself. I ceased to do yoga and other daily activities that I know are important.

Then.... I came across "The Bender" email invitation from Bridgette and joined! Yeah me.

It has been a challenge and I have welcomed all the soreness. I have found inspiration from the teachers at Southtown Yoga as well! They too have their strengths and have helped me become very aware of my body period. It's strengths and weaknesses. I have not laughed so much at myself more than in the past 6 bender days! My body has provided me with much needed comedy relief!

Thanks for the invitation and inspiration Bridgette and Southtown Yoga yogies!

Happy New Year and good luck to all my fellow benders.
Like Bridgette shared on day 5 with us "may everything we do have it's purpose!"

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