Sunday, January 25, 2009

Not passively passionate

I have been practicing yoga on and off now about 3 years. And last week, I went to a beginners class. And not because I'm not as passionate about yoga as I was on the first day of the bender, but because my body was physically tired.

The awesomely annoying thing about the bender has been that every class is full of so much more possibility. Poses are deeper, held longer, pushed to their edge. Which is fantastic unless the minute you get into a high lung, your leg starts to tremble like a leaf.

Being tired isn't a good reason to quit yoga or forget about the bender. No one said it was going to easy. But being tired is also not a good reason to be satisfied with letting one day of physically doing yoga be replaced with mindful meditation (not that, that is a bad thing).

So I took a step back. Sometimes we all need to be reminded it's ok to do what you can. Child's pose is ALWAYS an option. And hitting up a beginners class, doesn't mean you're a beginner. It was actually pretty wonderful. Seeing yoga through the eyes of beginner is refreshing. It reminds me that yoga is not something I want to get tired of, even if I'm tired.

6 more days. What an incredible experience we've all had. I can't wait to celebrate!

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