Friday, January 9, 2009


So, with all this talk of inspiration it makes me think. I tend to be a very uninspired person, especially during the winter when I'm more prone to feel like drawing myself into a hibernative state rather than coexist with other humans. But then I got to thinking, when I teach I always feel inspired, when I was in Colorado with all those Anusarites I was inspired, when I take a class I get inspired and when I'm doing my practice at home I get inspired to make up new poses or sequences, so I guess damn it, I do find inspiration in things.

The number thing that inspires me as a teacher and just as a human is the students, and I must say mostly the students I've encountered at Southtown Yoga. And I can safely say that because most of my students have followed me there from other locations and some have completely switched to there from other said locations. Anyhow, back to my point, I have taught many people for long periods of time and seeing the progress or that one "aha" moment on their face is why I do this. Seeing the realization that their finally grasping this shit, is why I do this. Creating a connection with the students is why I do this. Learning from my students, turning me into the student is why I do this.

I used to get crap when I first began teaching from other teachers in St Louis because I became friends with my students and I must say I was proud to be their friends because they inspired me to be a better teacher, a better person too and so I saidphooey to them and kept becoming friends with my students and am the better person for it I must say! I just opened two of my students wedding with the chant we used to start class every Sunday with and cried through the whole wedding watching the open heartedness and love from everyone there towards them and felt blessed to have been a part of it, and if I hadn't become their friend I wouldn't have been there at all.

So, in the grand scheme of things we're all students and we're all teachers and therefor can inspire things within each other at all times and should acknowledge that and be forever appreciative of it. So next time you're feeling a lack of inspiration go to a class and observe what happens within you, and all around you and be grateful for it.

We all are a community and I say thanks to Brigette for creating Southtown, along with Ivan and Jenifer and anyone else involved, because from my experience this sort of community within a yoga studio hadn't happened until now and for that I am grateful and inspired to bring everything I have to the plate, each time I come to teach a class and learn from all the students whom attend.

I've gone on way longer than intended, but oh well, hope to see each and every one of you very soon!



1 comment:

  1. Inspiration
    I find many things inspirational but a few stick out clearly in my mind. A friend with a 2-year old son who survived breast cancer but recently found out it spread to her bones. She recently sent out a quote about courage. "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow." She inspires me.

    The students with disabilities that I work with. They come to school every day eager to learn. They inspire me to be the best therapist that I can be. In fact, I believe they, too, can benefit from yoga and I'm on a quest to bring that to them. They inspire me.

    Sometimes very simple things inspire me. A kind gesture. Great friends. Belly laughing. My grandma's coconut cake. Good wine. A loving husband. A crazy dog. The yoga bender... I already feel different- physically, mentally, and emotionally AND all in a good way.

    Thank you for the yoga bender and such a great start to 2009!
